German minister says deal close for deporting Afghans, Syrians

Post Content
2024-06-20 16:07:57

UN: Staggering 15.3 million Syrians, nearly 70% of population, need aid

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2023-05-31 01:11:39

Number of new German citizens hits 20-year high as many Syrians naturalized

Post Content
2023-05-30 18:14:38

Lebanon: Church head calls for Syrian refugees' deportation

A Lebanese Church leader's claim that Syrians drain resources is condemned as inflammatory.
2023-04-13 03:06:51

France to put 3 Syrians on trial for crimes against humanity

Post Content
2023-04-05 23:14:47

Schools reopen as Syrians live with quake's devastation

Post Content
2023-02-25 17:15:53

'He came here to be safe, but it turns out it wasn't': Mourners remember Syrian doctor killed in earthquake in Turkey

A doctor who colleagues say cared for thousands of Syrians over his career was among more than 48,000 killed by the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria.
2023-02-22 14:06:43

Syrian earthquake victims being sent 'home' from Turkey for burial

The bodies of some Syrians who died in Turkey are being repatriated by their families.
2023-02-19 10:10:28

No tents, no aid, nothing: Why Syrians feel forgotten

"We've received nothing but God's mercy," one earthquake survivor tells Quentin Sommerville.
2023-02-13 07:02:55

For Syrians devastated by civil war, the earthquake aftermath is 'a crisis in a crisis'

For many of the Syrian victims of the devastating earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria on Monday, this is just the latest in a decade-long series of tragedies.
2023-02-08 13:37:18

UN chief: Syrians face dire winter if aid from Turkey is cut

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2022-12-13 02:08:58

Report finds sanctioned Syrians benefit from UN contracts

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2022-10-25 20:28:36

Report finds sanctioned Syrians benefit from UN contracts

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2022-10-25 20:28:32

Merkel wins UN refugee agency award over welcome of Syrians

Post Content
2022-10-04 13:14:24

Syrians in Turkey fear the worst as Erdogan changes tune on Assad

Syrian refugees say that they will have to pay the price of Erdogan's bid to win next year's elections.
2022-08-29 19:07:29

Syrians in Turkey fear the worst as Erdogan changes tune on Assad

The fate of millions of Syrian refugees in Turkey hangs in the balance amid fears that they may become pawns in the country's changing politics.
2022-08-29 19:07:14

UN body says violence against Syrians in Lebanon on the rise

Post Content
2022-07-29 13:14:20

Syrians vote in 'non-event' presidential election set to be won by Assad

Syrians were voting Wednesday in presidential elections widely dismissed by experts and activists as a sham poll, rigged in favor of President Bashar al-Assad.
2021-05-26 13:05:46

'Is everything I'm trying to do pointless?': Syrians helpless in face of 'sham' election

Syrians are voting in presidential elections widely dismissed by experts and activists as a sham poll, rigged in favor of President Bashar al-Assad. CNN's Jomana Karadsheh reports.
2021-05-26 20:05:40

US envoy heads to Turkey seeking to ensure aid to Syrians

2021-06-02 03:06:06

Syrians vote in 'non-event' presidential election

Syrians were voting Wednesday in presidential elections widely dismissed by experts and activists as a sham poll, rigged in favor of President Bashar al-Assad.
2021-06-02 15:05:45

Displaced Syrians rally against ending cross-border aid

2021-06-08 18:06:23

Opinion: The US should deal with Assad

The decade-long Syrian civil war has been inestimably difficult for all Syrians. I have had many friends on both sides of the conflict who have died or have been displaced.
2021-06-12 21:05:40

Opinion: The US should deal with Assad

The decade-long Syrian civil war has been inestimably difficult for all Syrians. I have had many friends on both sides of the conflict who have died or have been displaced.
2021-06-13 00:05:43

Top EU official says aid access to Syrians must stay open

2021-07-08 16:06:18

Turkish capital reels from violent protests against Syrians

Protesters attacked houses owned by Syrians after tensions flared over reports of a fatal stabbing.
2021-08-12 13:06:42

Syrians face deportation from Turkey over banana videos

2021-10-30 21:06:40

Why Syrians face deportation from Turkey over banana jokes

Turkish authorities accuse some Syrians of "inciting hatred" for eating bananas. Here's why.
2021-11-02 15:07:26

UN chief: Cross-border aid to Syrians remains 'essential'

2021-12-16 02:07:24

4 Syrians die after burning coal for heat in south Lebanon

2022-01-02 13:07:21

Impoverished Lebanese, Syrians struggle to survive cold

2022-01-19 14:07:06

Több mint egymillió szíriai menekült térhetett haza

A török hadsereg olyan műveleteket hajt végre, amelyek megakadályozták egy terrorfolyosó kialakulását Észak-Szíriában, és biztosították határainkat. Ezek után több mint egymillió szíriai tért vissza önként hazájába ? mondta Akar Suzan Şahin török védelmi miniszter egy ellenzéki képviselő kérdésére válaszolva a Hürriyet Daily News cím török lap szerint. A török hadsereg jelenléte az északnyugat-szíriai város, Idleb térségében elrettentő erőként szolgál, hogy megakadályozza a tartományból Törökországba irányuló migrációs hullámot ? tette hozzá a miniszter. A szíriai menekültek áradata 2012-ben ...
2022-01-21 19:11:45

Tömegével toloncolják ki a szíriai menekülteket Törökországból

2019 és 2021 között Törökország 155 ezer szíriai menekültet toloncolt vissza a polgárháború sújtotta Szíriába ? jelentette a londoni székhelyű Middle East Monitor című hírportál pénteken, a szíriaiakat érő jogsértéseket dokumentáló Syrians for Truth and Justice (STJ) nevű szervezetre hivatkozva. A szervezet azzal vádolja Ankarát, hogy a kitoloncolásokat önkéntes hazatérésnek állította be, ám az aktivisták által összeállított jelentésben több konkrét tanúvallomást is közölnek, amelyekben az emberek elmondták, nem akartak visszatérni Szíriába. Szerintük a török hatóságok mintegy 155 ezer szíriai...
2022-02-18 13:22:46

UN: More Syrians need aid now than at any time during war

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2022-02-25 21:09:07

The double standards of Europe's refugee response

I see parallel images in the floods of humanity coming toward me. One is happening in front of my eyes on the Ukraine-Poland border; large hands clutching little ones, tiny heads resting on weary shoulders, the constant hum of rolling suitcases. I see faces frozen in shock, etched with lines of trauma that will never fully fade. Their eyes glazed over in sheer disbelief, minds unable to comprehend the lives they have left behind.
2022-03-07 19:05:57

Syrians watch in horror as Putin deploys the Aleppo playbook in Ukraine

Six years before its Ukraine war, Russia began another ruthless military operation thousands of kilometers away in Syria -- to prop up the Bashar al-Assad regime. Victims of that war say the scenes from Ukraine on their television screens look hauntingly familiar.
2022-03-18 17:14:20

Suspected IS gunmen kill 7 Syrians at Ramadan iftar meal

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2022-04-28 12:18:46

Top German court reject's Syrian's appeal in torture case

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2022-05-03 14:16:30

Massacre video reopens wounds for missing Syrians' families

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2022-05-17 09:11:45

Ukrajnába zsoldosokat toborzó szíreket szankcionált az EU

Az Európai Unió csütörtökön bejelentette hetedik szankciós csomagját, melynek részeként tíz szíriai állampolgárt is tilalmi listára vettek, akiket azzal gyanúsítanak, hogy Szíriában toboroznak zsoldosokat, hogy az orosz erők mellett harcoljanak az ukrajnai háborúban ? írja a Reuters.
2022-07-21 20:21:33


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